Been there. Done that. Did the T-Shirt. Never stopped.
Over 1.000 cover artworks.
All genres. All formats. No boundaries. The right solutions with the right ingredients for all the right reasons .
Do, say, make and think.
Understanding media in order to do media. Practically and academically, since 1995. It’s what I do.
Big pictures. Wide horizons.
An artwork is never a means to an end. Where it can be taken to and how its lifespan can be enhanced is essential.
Logo Design, CI & Branding
B2B & Corporate
Vinyl Restauration
Tour Promotion
The Australian Pink Floyd Show
German Comic Con | Comic Con Europe
Series Cover Design
Film Cover Design
Music Programme DVDs
Album Cover Design
Original Vinyl Classics
Original Album Classics

is a micro design studio on a converted and restored farm yard to the south of Hamburg, Germany.

specialises in sustainable graphic design and corporate identity solutions as well as packaging and pre-print production. And your new WordPress site.

appreciates the co-existence of words and pixels by actively pursuing text, copy, editorial and lectorate.

is aware that no-one and nobody is perfect – and is pleased to know of a large network of specialists who are.

is proud of over twenty years of experience in the entertainment media business and also takes pride in carrying both the enthusiasm and a keen sense for abstraction within that area of practice into any other business environment.

is an experienced yet adventurous sparring partner for designing your perfect start-up CI – which will last way past your starting-up phase.

knows that good design may be made with machines and devices – but always by real people for real people.

is keen to work with you and for you – and looks forward to hearing from you.

IMMO ERIK HAGEMANNinfo@squynt.net
Born (1969) in Lübeck, Germany. Raised and educated by the Danish border and South West UK. Studied Art Direction and Graphic Design in Hamburg. M.A. in Communication Studies, University of Leicester/UK. Researches and lectures Media at Hamburg University.
Has worked for most labels that you might be able to think of.
Thrives on coffee, good typography, news and current affairs, wide open spaces and long distances covered by physical power.